Organizaciones y/o redes
Critical Antiquities Network
University of Sydney
International Society for Psychoanalysis and Philosophy
The New University in Exile Consortium
The New School for Social Research
NEXOS: Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary Research
Korean Comparative Literature Association
Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy
Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China
Tamkang University
Hihanteki Shakairiron Kenkyukai (Research Group for Critical Social Theory)
Keywords of Theory: Asia
University of Hong Kong
Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory
University of Bologna, Duke University, University of Virginia
A Tribe of Moles
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Collective for Social Interventions
Critical Theories Network
University of Vienna
Knowledge Taiwan Collective
National Taiwan University
Terra Critica: Interdisciplinary Network for the Critical Humanities
Utrecht University
Interdisciplinary Working Group in Critical Theory
Stanford University
Sofia Literary Theory Seminar
University of Sofia
Sydney Workgroup on the Philosophy of Recognition
Biopolitical Studies Research Network
University of New South Wales
25 resultados encontrados