Répertoire du Réseau International des programmes de théorie critique

Critical Antiquities Network

University of Sydney

The Critical Antiquities Network (CAN) was founded by Tristan Bradshaw (University of Sydney & Northwestern University) and Benjamin Brown (University of Sydney) in 2020 to link scholars working at the intersection of ancient traditions and contemporary critical theories. The idea of a « critical antiquity » stems from the belief that the contemporary critique of modernity finds its most powerful impetus in its dialogue with the thought and practice of alternative worlds. So conceived, antiquity offers an alternate pole from which to grasp the present in its historical situation. That is, our modalities of critique are founded upon the expansive dialogues we enter into with the form and content of antiquity’s performances, literatures and practices. This turn to antiquity is not a romantic one. Rather, antiquity simultaneously serves as a standpoint and object of critique to enliven us to the possibilities and limitations of contemporary life.

We run a monthly online workshop, the Critical Antiquities Workshop, for anyone working in this space to present their work. All are welcome, and we schedule meetings to accommodate people in other time zones, especially in the Americas. For a schedule of events and Zoom meetings IDs, please contact Tristan Bradshaw or Ben Brown.

Tristan Bradshaw, Dr
Ben Brown, Dr

University of Sydney

Asie et la côte Pacifique

Année d'établissement