International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs | Directory of Programs, Centers, and Projects

Centre for Political Studies Fellowships

Centre for Political Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University

The Centre for Political Studies offers scholarly affiliation under its University Grants Commission Deparmental Special Assistance (DSA) Program. Under the DSA Programme, the center’s areas of emphasis are: i) Democracy, Development and Social Justice: Political Processes and State Practices; and  ii) Political Ideas in India: Historical and Comparative Perspectives.

In addition, a large number of fellowships are available for students who are pursuing the Master’s degree or the research degree. Please see our web site for more information on these fellowships.

Centre for Political Studies

Contact Information

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Centre for Political Studies
School of Social Sciences, JNU
New Delhi, Delhi

Asia and the Pacific Rim
South and Southeast Asia