Truthseeker is an open community composed of a group of intellectuals and learned pioneers who are stationed in Hong Kong and eager to share progressive and critical views and change the world. Amid the Umbrella Movement in 2014, a handful of young scholars decided to engage the social movement by sharing political views through brochures and conversations in the street. Over the next few years, Truthseeker invited young fellows and scholars to participate by sharing insightful philosophical reflection and critical analysis that concern the immediate political issues in Hong Kong. Alongside direct actions, we contribute essays to newspapers, interview critical theorists and philosophers, organize study groups and courses, and more.
Eventually, Truthseeker anticipates developing a new perspective and horizon to understand the neo-imperial context of Hong Kong, China, and East Asia, for the sake of unfolding new possibilities of praxis. As a critical project, the final aim is to transform and emancipate the social and political world at both the local and global levels.
Samuel Lee, Ph.D. student in Politics at the New School
Athena Tam, Editor in Chief
Hong Kong
Asie de l'Est
Asie et la côte Pacifique
Année d'établissement