Répertoire du Réseau International des programmes de théorie critique

The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives

New York University

The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives form a unique center for scholarly research on labor history and the history of socialist, anarchist, communist and other radical political movements.

We acquire materials in the history of labor, radicalism, and progressive social movements and provide access to these materials by assisting people with their research questions. Tamiment/Wagner also includes the Frederick Ewen Academic Freedom Center, the Center for the United States and the Cold War, and the Archives of Irish America. We also sponsor forums, seminars, and other public events related to our collections and programs.

Political Radicalism

Tamiment holds the official archives of the Communist Party, USA, and the Daily Worker newspaper, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, the Socialist Party, and the Democratic Socialist of America, as well as the papers of Eugene Debs, James and Esther Jackson, Michael Harrington, and Howard Zinn.


Tamiment is the official repository of New York City’s Central Labor Council and holds the archives of many of its unions, including UAW District 65, the United Federation of Teachers, and AFSCME District Council 37.

Cold War

Tamiment holds many collections relating to the Cold War and its effect on U.S. society. These holdings include the papers of the Nation magazine, Phillip Agee, Howard Zinn, Alger Hiss, and the film archive of Estela Bravo.

Archives of Irish America

The Archives of Irish America is part of the Tamiment Library. This important collection documents the Irish Diaspora in America, its relationship to the American labor movement, to New York City history, and to American culture and society in general. The collection includes the Mick Moloney Irish-American Music and Popular Culture Collection, one of the largest collections in the U.S. for the study of Irish-American music and popular culture.


New York University
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY
États Unis
(212) 998-2630

North America

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