Library of Glissant Studies
Louisiana State University
The Library of Glissant Studies is a collaborative open access project which aims to collect and make works by and on Martinican author Édouard Glissant (1928-2011) accessible to the public. This online resource was contributed to the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC).
The Library of Glissant Studies is a unique tool that draws on Alain Baudot’s 1993 Bibliographie annotée d’Édouard Glissant (Annotated Bibliography of Édouard Glissant) which contains more than 1300 references. LoGS is a multilingual database dedicated to making texts by and about the Martinican author Édouard Glissant accessible and widely available. The objective of LoGS is to centralize information, in whatever original languages they may have been produced, on Glissant’s work and thought in an open access gratis website, linked to multiple physical and digital archives which contain his manuscripts, and other printed and multi-media materials
Miguel Asencio, Executive Director, dLOC
United States
Année d'établissement
Bourses de recherches post-doctorales avancées et programmes potentiels d'échange académique