Directorio de la red internacional de programas de teoría crítica

Colección Patrimonial, Universidad Católica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The Universidad Católica’s  Heritage Collection (Colección Patrimonial) is a set of materials, (books and monographs, pamphlets, posters, cartography, magazine, newsletter, press, and other media) that have either been set aside due to their age, rarity, or originality, or have been deemed especially valuable for research.

Along with this, the dissemination of this collection in the public through virtual exhibits has been strongly promoted;  collaborating with the Unesco World Digital Library, it has provided open access for digitized rare and unique materials.

Información de contacto
Fernanda Ruiz L., Head of BUC Heritage Collection

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

América Latina y el Caribe

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