Comparative Ethnic Studies
University of Colorado Boulder
The Comparative Ethnic Studies Ph.D. program provides flexibility for students to pursue their individual research interests, while ensuring that their work is grounded in both foundational and cutting-edge theories in ethnic studies.
Our department is dedicated to interrogating the relational nature of race and its attendant categories, particularly gender and sexuality, using frameworks that account for the increasingly transnational ways that these categories are constructed, resisted, and inhabited. However, we believe that rigorous comparative and relational analyses can only grow out of deep groundings in the particular areas of Africana, Asian American, Chicana and Chicano, and Native American/Indigenous studies. Methodologically and theoretically, our faculty members possess training and expertise in interdisciplinary fields including ethnic studies, women’s and gender studies, cultural studies, literary and film studies, border studies, and American studies, as well as traditional disciplines including anthropology, history, philosophy, and sociology.
We seek students who are driven to pursue projects that advance the field of ethnic studies, are motivated to map out individualized courses of study, and have demonstrated abilities to comprehend, create, and apply theories, conduct original research, analyze data, and write effectively. Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in ethnic studies or a related field (examples include areas such as American studies, sociology, literature, or history) by the time of their enrollment. Financial support will be available in the form of teaching assistantships and fellowships for especially qualified applicants.
Información de contacto
Reiland Rabaka, Professor and Chair
Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ketchum 184, 339 UCB
Boulder, Colorado
Estados Unidos
North America
Programa académico
Certificado (incluye énfasis, especialización o concentración)
Año de establecimiento
Becas y posibles afiliaciones académicas