Thank you for participating in our international network of critical theory academic programs, centers, institutes, research clusters or projects, archives, organizations and networks, journals, and book series. The information that you submit to this form will be published in our online directory. We are seeking to include projects that draw from a broad range of critical theories and that can establish that there is a preponderance of critical theory in their description and contents. We recognize that projects may well operate under other names—critical thought, critical studies, and the like—and we are open to all such submissions.
Please select the category below that best corresponds to your program. If more than one category applies, please submit information under more than one.
Includes libraries (print, digital, and/or video), bibliographies, museums, and standing exhibitions.
Organizations and Networks
Includes critical theory networks other than those organized exclusively in the service of a research project.
For questions about the project or technical issues, please contact: