History of Knowledge Center/ Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens
ETH Zurich and University of Zurich
The History of Knowledge Center (or Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens [ZGW] in German) is a scientific center at the University of Zurich and the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich that aims to promote and coordinate cultural, historical, and philosophical research and teaching on modern knowledge systems and knowledge societies. The ZGW is a center for scientific research as well as a platform for public debate and critical reflection on the role of knowledge in modern societies.
Currently, the ZGW faculty comprises twelve professors from the University of Zurich and seven professors of the ETH Zurich, with 32 associated faculty members. In this way, we bring together expertise in theoretical and practical philosophy, literary and cultural, as well as historical, science (the history of science, art, medicine, architecture, technology, and global history), creating a strong interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research group. The ZGW also sponsors masters and doctoral programs.
Contact Information
Kijan Espahangizi, Professor
Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens / ETH & University Zurich
Clausiusstrasse 59, RZ
Zurich, Switzerland
Switzerland http://www.zgw.ethz.ch
+41 (0)44 632 52 65
Western Europe
Year Established
Fellowships and Potential Scholarly Affiliations
History of Knowledge Center (ZGW) Affiliation and Guest Program