Transnational Interdisciplinary Humanities
Alma Mater Europaea
The Ph.D. degree program in the humanities is an interdisciplinary program linking anthropological, philosophical, and linguistic disciplines, tailored to the needs of individual students.
The program provides students with a flexible, interdisciplinary framework, built on connections among specific courses and areas of interest. Our Ph.D. students go through rigorous theoretical and methodological training that imparts strong research and analytical skills and enables students to adapt to the constantly changing 21st-century labor market. The program enables students to study fields and disciplines that are underrepresented in other Slovene higher learning institutions.
Our program is characterized by academic excellence, innovative programs, and real-world connections and offers first-class educational experience. Students study in the heart of Europe with some of the world’s leading academics. We are affiliated with The Global Center for Advanced Studies in New York and The European Academy of Science and Arts, based in Salzburg, Austria.
Creston Davis, Professor and Director
Polona Tratnik, Professor and Dean
Alma Mater Europaea ECM
Slovenska ulica 17
Maribor, Slovenia
+386 2 25 01 999
Balkans et l'Europe du Sud
Programme Académique
Diplôme ( y compris l’emphase, la spécialité , ou la concentration)
Formation ne menant pas à un diplôme
Année d'établissement
Bourses de recherches post-doctorales avancées et programmes potentiels d'échange académique