Directorio de la red internacional de programas de teoría crítica

Rethinking Peace Studies

Japan ICU Foundation, International Christian University (Japan), and Rutgers University's Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights

Rethinking Peace Studies (RPS) is an academic initiative that seeks to critically rethink peace studies from a multidisciplinary perspective. The RPS is made up of a series of three seminars and one culminating conference to be held over a three-year period starting in 2014. RPS seminar participants are academics and practitioners with a wide variety of backgrounds. The project is global in scope, with seminars held in Tokyo, Japan; New York City, United States; and Kandy, Sri Lanka. RPS is a partnership between the Japan ICU Foundation, International Christian University (Japan), and Rutgers University’s Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights. The primary funding agency for RPS is the Japan ICU Foundation, an educational foundation based in New York City with a mission to support International Christian University’s global programming.

Información de contacto
Paul Hastings, Executive Director
Alex Hinton, Professor of Anthropology & Global Affairs

Japan ICU Foundation, International Christian University (Japan), and Rutgers University's Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights
475 Riverside Dr.
Suite 439
New York, New York
Estados Unidos
(212) 870-3386

North America

Año de establecimiento

Año de terminación