Répertoire du Réseau International des programmes de théorie critique

Deprovincializing Critical Theory

University of Macau

In an effort to deprovincialize Critical Theory, the project aims to establish a dialogue between Critical Theory and emancipatory paradigms emerging from East and South Asian philosophical and religious traditions. The program has been organizing a series of conferences and workshops on topics including conceptions of resistance, the critical imagination, critical animal studies and critical theory and social systems theory.

We are associated with the University of Macau’s Philosophy and Religious Studies Program.  As a core discipline of the humanities, we pursue the perennial questions essential to all human beings. These range from questions regarding the relationship between justice and the good life to the nature of human cognition and the significance of beauty. We form a vibrant international community of faculty members and students connected through a shared commitment to the pursuit of wisdom through rigorous, passionate, careful, historically informed and innovative reasoning. Currently the Program has a PhD program and a minor program.

Mario Wenning, Professor

University of Macau
E21, FAH-Philosophy, University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade
Macau, Macau

Asie de l'Est
Asie et la côte Pacifique

Année d'établissement

Bourses de recherches post-doctorales avancées et programmes potentiels d'échange académique
University of Macau Critical Theory Fellowship