Répertoire du Réseau International des programmes de théorie critique

Institute for Social Justice

Australian Catholic University

The Institute for Social Justice (ISJ) is a creative space for thinking about and responding to the challenges we face in the 21st Century. New insights, intellectual excitement and alternative pathways for action emerge when we question what we have taken for granted.

The Institute is developing innovative cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research programs that will experimentally combine original scholarship and normative reflection with diverse forms of action researchWe aim to expand our horizons of understanding and disclose new possibilities for living together in the challenging conditions of our era.

We have a number of research programs to which we are committed in forms of collaborative research: Critique and Critical Theories; Aesthetics, Politics, Utopias; Religion, Secularism, Democracy; Ritual: Theories and Practices; Transitional Justice, Rights, Trauma; Post-Western and Non-Western Theory; Rethinking the Human/Non-Human; Relationship in the Anthropocene; Intersecting Oppressions: Gender, Race, and Class; and Theories of Social and Political Transformation.

Nikolas Kompridis, Director

Australian Catholic University
P.O. Box 968
North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
+612 9739 2789

Asie et la côte Pacifique

Année d'établissement

Bourses de recherches post-doctorales avancées et programmes potentiels d'échange académique