International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs | Directory of Programs, Centers, and Projects

M.A. in Socio-Political Philosophy

European University at Saint Petersburg

The two-year M.A. program seeks to give students a broad understanding of contemporary philosophy in general and socio-political philosophy in particular.

Our emphasis is on the major philosophical and methodological traditions of the 20th-21st centuries: Marxism, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, analytical philosophy. All of these are covered in special courses.

The required courses are: philosophy of social sciences and humanities; 20th century thought; recent philosophy; socio-political philosophy; logic and rhetoric.

Courses are taught in English and Russian. The M.A. thesis is written in Russian.
Core faculty: Artemy Magun, Oxana Timofeeva, Alexander Pogrebnyak, Lorenzo Chiesa.

Contact Information
Artemy Magun, Professor and Chair
Oxana Timofeeva, Professor

European University at Saint Petersburg
Europea University at Saint-Petersburg
Gagarinskaya 3
St-Petersburg, Russia

Eurasia and Eastern Europe

Academic Program

Year Established

Fellowships and Potential Scholarly Affiliations
M.A. in Socio-Political Philosophy and Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology Fellowships